In order to do this I came up with a brilliant plan. I would
put together a short prayer guide with scripture to read and questions to
ponder. All of which would help them identify their fears and concerns but
would also show them how obedience to God is worth facing whatever would come
our way. On a beautiful summer day Kevin and I planned to take the boys to our
family’s favorite park. There we would all spend some time alone listening for
God, talk about what God had said, and then spend the rest of the day enjoying
some family fun. It sounded so perfect. It was going to be a scene worthy of a
Hallmark commercial, but instead it was the day the wheels fell off the bus
bound for Thailand.
The day came for the big family prayer retreat and we never
made it the park. Shelby was passed out from exhaustion and we could barely get
him to crack an eye. Ethan was in a terrible mood and was adamant that, “I
don’t want to go anywhere!” Jon was the only one willing to go, but by this
time both Kevin and I’s moods were beginning to implode. It was time for Plan
Plan B consisted of dropping the bomb shell, “God is calling
us to be missionaries in Thailand,” in our living room. Then we sent the boys
to their rooms with my helpful prayer guide and told them, “Go listen to God.”
Everyone went to their separate corners in a huff and I prayed, “Please God do
God did do something that day but it wasn’t what I wanted. I
wanted all the boys jumping on the bus to Thailand with joy in their heart. Instead,
God just cracked the door. The boys were honest with us. One said, “God may be
calling you to Thailand but my mission field is right here.” Another said, “I’m
just not going.” One was in tears. It wasn’t the outcome we were hoping for,
but it was a healthy place to start. Over the next few weeks Kevin met with
each one of the boys on their terms. Conversations were started and hearts
began to soften. Now, months and many conversations later, there is an excitement
growing in our boy’s hearts. Moving half-way around the world will still be
hard but they are looking forward to the adventure of it all.